Friday, July 30, 2010

'Keong Racun' Mendunia

Friday, July 30, 2010

VIVAnews - Indonesia kini boleh berbangga hati. Tak cuma berita soal kasus video mesum Ariel 'Peterpan' yang bisa mendunia--yang dipelesetkan jadi 'Ariel Peterporn.' Kabar duet lipsync "Keong Racun" Sinta dan Jojo juga ramai diberitakan media asing.

Tak kurang, situs berita Inggris, The Independent, memberitakan fenomena 'Keong Racun' yang Kamis kemarin kembali menjadi trending topic nomor satu sejagat di situs mikroblog Twitter. Foto Sinta-Jojo yang sedang melenggak-lenggok genit di Youtube, juga dipajang di laman Independent

"Pengguna Twitter tergila-gila pada video lipsync 'Keong Racun' diYoutube," demikian ditulis Independent.
Tak kepalang tanggung, di Twitter 'Keong Racun' mengalahkan topik pesaingnya seperti onetimefordon'tcoutonitpredictingkanyetweets, dan bahkan juga Interception, film box office Hollywood yang diperankan Leonardo DiCaprio. 

Video lipsync 'Keong Racun' yang menggelikan itu berawal dari keisengan Jojo (Jovita) dan Sinta--keduanya mahasiswa sebuah universitas swasta di Bandung. Kini, dua mojang Priangan itu mendadak tenar di seantero jagat. (Soal asal-usul lagu Keong Racun bisa dibaca di sini).

Aksi kocak mereka telah mendongkrak popularitas lagu dangdut 'Keong Racun'yang diciptakan oleh Subur Tahroni. Total, ada enam video klip yang dibuat Jojo dan Shinta. Selain 'Keong Racun', juga 'Cinta Satu Malam', 'Slow Down', 'Dokter Cinta', 'Jangan Lebay,' dan 'Telephone'. Semua,mereka rekam di rumah Jojo, cukup bermodalkan webcam di laptop dan aksi lenggak-lenggok yang genit dan kocak. (umi)

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bom waktu tabung gas 3Kg

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Hem akhir-akhir ini semakin banyak tabung gas elpiji 3 kg yang meledak, hal ini membuat banyak orang yang takut menggunakan gas elpiji 3 Kg, termasuk saya juga,he..he.... Setiap kali mengganti tabung gas aq selalu keluar rumah,yah udah paranoid duluan. Kebanyakan penyebab dari ledakan adalah ketidak tahua masyarakat tentang penggunaan tabung gas elpiji yang benar, namun ternyata banyak ditemukan tabung IMITASI / Palsu yang beredar di pasaran, namun banyak juga tabung orisinil mengalami kebocoran di konsumen.Entah siapa yang salah yang pasti pemerintah harus segera menyelaesaikan masalah bom waktu tabung gas elpiji 3 kg ini, sudah banyak yang menjadi korban ledakan tabung gas elpiji ini,seperti yang terjadi di Tanjung duren Jakarta Barat, Korban mengaku Trauma dengan tabung gas elpiji, bahkan korban ketakutan apabila di rumahnya ada yang masih menggunakan tabung gas, korban juga menyuruh anaknya untuk tidak menggunakan tabung gas elpiji.
Puluhan demonstran ”menyerbu” PT Pertamina (Persero) Jalan KL Yos Sudarso, Senin (5/7). Mereka menuntut pemerintah segera menarik tabung gas elpiji 3 kg beserta aksesorinya. Selain itu mereka meminta agar minyak tanah bersubsidi dikembalikan.
Selain tuntutan itu, massa dari aliansi Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat (Ampera), Persatuan Pangkalan Minyak Tanah (PPMT) Kota Medan, dan lainnya menuding pejabat di PT Pertamina tidak manusiawi dan tak becus serta dianggap gagal karena menarik bahan bakar minyak (BBM) minyak tanah bersubsidi secara total (100 persen).
Dengan kejadin tersebut kita sebaiknya jangan hanya menyalahkan pemerintah, tapi kita harus selalu waspada dalam menggunakan gas elpiji.


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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tablet Android Gentouch78 Termurah

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Augen memproduksi tablet Gentouch78 Android 2.1 dengan layar tujuh inci  dengan penyimpanan internal 2GB dan Wi-Fi sendiri untuk akses Internet. Harga tablet ini $ 150 atau 1.35 jutaan rupiah meskipun itu lebih murah dari harga sepertiga iPad tapi menawarkan lebih banyak fitur.

Tablet PC dari Augen ini dijadwalkan tiba di toko Kmart akhir pekan ini dan juga akan  disertai dengan peluncuran TheBook,  ebook reader dengan harga 89 USD dari Augen juga. (sumber)

Sebagian besar tablet yang dipasarkan tahun ini datang dari perusahaan sekecil Augen, seperti ICD dan Notion Ink. Para pesaing terbesar di lapangan masih hanya rumor, termasuk tablet Motorola 10-inci dan tablet BlackBerry.

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PHP Tutorial Part 2 - Displaying Information & Variables

Printing Text

To output text in your PHP script is actually very simple. As with most other things in PHP, you can do it in a variety of different ways. The main one you will be using, though, is print. Print will allow you to output text, variables or a combination of the two so that they display on the screen.

The print statement is used in the following way:

print("Hello world!");

I will explain the above line:

print is the command and tells the script what to do. This is followed by the information to be printed, which is contained in the brackets. Because you are outputting text, the text is also enclosed instide quotation marks. Finally, as with nearly every line in a PHP script, it must end in a semicolon. You would, of course, have to enclose this in your standard PHP tags, making the following code:

print("Hello world!");

Which will display:

Hello world!

on the screen.


As with other programming languages, PHP allows you to define variables. In PHP there are several variable types, but the most common is called a String. It can hold text and numbers. All strings begin with a $ sign. To assign some text to a string you would use the following code:

$welcome_text = "Hello and welcome to my website.";

This is quite a simple line to understand, everything inside the quotation marks will be assigned to the string. You must remember a few rules about strings though:

Strings are case sensetive so $Welcome_Text is not the same as $welcome_text
String names can contain letters, numbers and underscores but cannot begin with a number or underscore
When assigning numbers to strings you do not need to include the quotes so:

$user_id = 987

would be allowed.

Outputting Variables

To display a variable on the screen uses exactly the same code as to display text but in a slightly different form. The following code would display your welcome text:

$welcome_text = "Hello and welcome to my website.";

As you can see, the only major difference is that you do not need the quotation marks if you are printing a variable.

Formatting Your Text

Unfortunately, the output from your PHP programs is quite boring. Everything is just output in the browser's default font. It is very easy, though, to format your text using HTML. This is because, as PHP is a server side language, the code is executed before the page is sent to the browser. This means that only the resulting information from the script is sent, so in the example above the browser would just be sent the text:

Hello and welcome to my website.

This means, though, that you can include standard HTML markup in your scripts and strings. The only problem with this is that many HTML tags require the " sign. You may notice that this will clash with the quotation marks used to print your text. This means that you must tell the script which quotes should be used (the ones at the beginning and end of the output) and which ones should be ignored (the ones in the HTML code).

For this example I will change the text to the Arial font in red. The normal code for this would be:

<font face="Arial" color="#FF0000">

As you can see this code contains 4 quotation marks so would confuse the script. Because of this you must add a backslash before each quotation mark to make the PHP script ignore it. The code would chang
e to:

<font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">

You can now include this in your print statement:

print("<font face=\"Arial\" color\"#FF0000\">Hello and welcome to my website.</font>");

which will make the browser display:

Hello and welcome to my website.

because it has only been sent the code:

<font face="Arial" color="#FF0000">Hello and welcome to my website.</font>

This does make it quite difficult to output HTML code into the browser but later in this tutorial I will show you another way of doing this which can make it a bit easier.

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PHP Tutorial, Part 1 - Introduction


Up until recently, scripting on the internet was something which very few people even attempted, let alone mastered. Recently though, more and more people have been building their own websites and scripting languages have become more important. Because of this, scripting languages are becomming easier to learn and PHP is one of the easiest and most powerful yet.

What Is PHP?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is a server-side language. This means that the script is run on your web server, not on the user's browser, so you do not need to worry about compatibility issues. PHP is relatively new (compared to languages such as Perl (CGI) and Java) but is quickly becomming one of the most popular scripting languages on the internet.

Why PHP?

You may be wondering why you should choose PHP over other languages such as Perl or even why you should learn a scripting language at all. I will deal with learning scripting languages first. Learning a scripting language, or even understanding one, can open up huge new possibilities for your website. Although you can download pre-made scripts from sites like Hotscripts, these will often contain advertising for the author or will not do exactly what you want. With an understanding of a scripting language you can easily edit these scripts to do what you want, or even create your own scripts.

Using scripts on your website allows you to add many new 'interactive' features like feedback forms, guestbooks, message boards, counters and even more advanced features like portal systems, content management, advertising managers etc. With these sort of things on your website you will find that it gives a more professional image. As well as this, anyone wanting to work in the site development industry will find that it is much easier to get a job if they know a scripting language.

What Do I Need?

As mentioned earlier, PHP is a server-side scripting language. This means that, although your users will not need to install new software, you web host will need to have PHP set up on their server. It should be listed as part of your package but if you don't know if it is installed you can find out using the first script in this tutorial. If you server does not support PHP you can ask your web host to install it for you as it is free to download and install. If you need a low cost web host which supports PHP I would recommmend HostRocket.

Writing PHP

Writing PHP on your computer is actually very simple. You don't need any specail software, except for a text editor (like Notepad in Windows). Run this and you are ready to write your first PHP script.

Declaring PHP

PHP scripts are always enclosed in between two PHP tags. This tells your server to parse the information between them as PHP. The three different forms are as follows:

PHP Code In Here

PHP Code In Here

<script language="php">
PHP Code In Here

All of these work in exactly the same way but in this tutorial I will be using the first option (<? and ?>). There is no particular reason for this, though, and you can use either of the options. You must remember, though, to start and end your code with the same tag (you can't start with <? and end with </script> for example).

Your First Script

The first PHP script you will be writing is very basic. All it will do is print out all the information about PHP on your server. Type the following code into your text editor:


As you can see this actually just one line of code. It is a standard PHP function called phpinfo which will tell the server to print out a standard table of information giving you information on the setup of the server.

One other thing you should notice in this example is th
at the line ends in a semicolon. This is very important. As with many other scripting and programming languages nearly all lines are ended with a semicolon and if you miss it out you will get an error.

Finishing and Testing Your Script

Now you have finished your script save it as phpinfo.php and upload it to your server in the normal way. Now, using your browser, go the the URL of the script. If it has worked (and if PHP is installed on your server) you should get a huge page full of the information about PHP on your server.

If your script doesn't work and a blank page displays, you have either mistyped your code or your server does not support this function (although I have not yet found a server that does not). If, instead of a page being displayed, you are prompted to download the file, PHP is not installed on your server and you should either serach for a new web host or ask your current host to install PHP.

It is a good idea to keep this script for future reference.

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Your first PHP-enabled page

Create a file named hello.php and put it in your web server's root directory (DOCUMENT_ROOT) with the following content:
Example #1 Our first PHP script: hello.php
  <title>PHP Test</title>
 <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'?>

Use your browser to access the file with your web server's URL, ending with the /hello.php file reference. When developing locally this URL will be something like http://localhost/hello.php or but this depends on the web server's configuration. If everything is configured correctly, this file will be parsed by PHP and the following output will be sent to your browser: 

  <title>PHP Test</title>
 <p>Hello World</p>
Hello World using the PHP echo() statement. Note that the file does not need to be executable or special in any way. The server finds out that this file needs to be interpreted by PHP because you used the ".php" extension, which the server is configured to pass on to PHP. Think of this as a normal HTML file which happens to have a set of special tags available to you that do a lot of interesting things.
If you tried this example and it did not output anything, it prompted for download, or you see the whole file as text, chances are that the server you are on does not have PHP enabled, or is not configured properly. Ask your administrator to enable it for you using the Installation chapter of the manual. If you are developing locally, also read the installation chapter to make sure everything is configured properly. Make sure that you access the file via http with the server providing you the output. If you just call up the file from your file system, then it will not be parsed by PHP. If the problems persist anyway, do not hesitate to use one of the many » PHP support options.
The point of the example is to show the special PHP tag format. In this example we used <?php to indicate the start of a PHP tag. Then we put the PHP statement and left PHP mode by adding the closing tag, ?>. You may jump in and out of PHP mode in an HTML file like this anywhere you want. For more details, read the manual section on the basic PHP syntax.
Note: A Note on Line Feeds Line feeds have little meaning in HTML, however it is still a good idea to make your HTML look nice and clean by putting line feeds in. A linefeed that follows immediately after a closing ?> will be removed by PHP. This can be extremely useful when you are putting in many blocks of PHP or include files containing PHP that aren't supposed to output anything. At the same time it can be a bit confusing. You can put a space after the closing ?> to force a space and a line feed to be output, or you can put an explicit line feed in the last echo/print from within your PHP block.
Note: A Note on Text Editors There are many text editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that you can use to create, edit and manage PHP files. A partial list of these tools is maintained at » PHP Editors List. If you wish to recommend an editor, please visit the above page and ask the page maintainer to add the editor to the list. Having an editor with syntax highlighting can be helpful.
Note: A Note on Word Processors Word processors such as StarOffice Writer, Microsoft Word and Abiword are not optimal for editing PHP files. If you wish to use one for this test script, you must ensure that you save the file as plain text or PHP will not be able to read and execute the script.
Note: A Note on Windows Notepad If you are writing your PHP scripts using Windows Notepad, you will need to ensure that your files are saved with the .php extension. (Notepad adds a .txt extension to files automatically unless you take one of the following steps to prevent it.) When you save the file and are prompted to provide a name for the file, place the filename in quotes (i.e. "hello.php"). Alternatively, you can click on the 'Text Documents' drop-down menu in the 'Save' dialog box and change the setting to "All Files". You can then enter your filename without quotes.
Now that you have successfully created a working PHP script, it is time to create the most famous PHP script! Make a call to the phpinfo() function and you will see a lot of useful information about your system and setup such as available predefined variables, loaded PHP modules, and configuration settings. Take some time and review this important information. 

Example #2 Get system information from PHP
<?php phpinfo(); ?>

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Dapetin gaji perbulan dari passive income

JMGold adalah perpaduan situs PTC (Paid To Click) dan Bisnis Investasi, dimana Anda bisa mendapatkan uang bulanan seumur hidup. Itulah mengapa saya sebut Pasif Income atau bisa juga dikatakan Lifetime Earning.

Cara kerja JMGold adalah melakukan investasi dengan Gold and Silver Bar (batang emas dan perak).
Eit... Jangan ngeluh mahal dulu, soalnya Anda tidak perlu membeli Emas atau Perak untuk diinvestasikan ( walaupun Anda juga bisa membeli , jika punya modal ). Anda bisa melakukan invest dengan mengumpulkan referral atau mengklik iklan.

Biaya investasi untuk :

Gold Bar ( Batang Emas ) $50
Silver Bar ( Batang Perak ) $25

Seperti yang saya katakan tadi, Anda tidak perlu melakukan investasi dengan cara membeli batang emas dan perak, Anda bisa memperoleh Batang Emas dan Perak dengan cara :

Membeli melaui paypal atau AlertPay (kalo punya modal)
Setiap klik 1000 iklan dapat 1 silver bar (rata-rata setiap hari 10 iklan = kira-kira 3.5 bulan). Setiap 50 referral dapat 1 silver bar ( $25/50 referral = $0.50 per referral )

Lalu cara mendapatkan Pasif Income / Lifetime Earning dari JMGold :
Setelah Anda mempunyai Batang emas / perak, Anda bisa mendapatkan pendapatan bulanan 20% dari setiap batang emas atau perak yang Anda miliki. Jadi jika Anda mempunyai 1 silver bar saja seharga $25, maka setiap bulan Anda bisa mendapatkan $5 seumur hidup. Makin banyak gold atau silver bar, makin banyak pula pendapatan Anda tiap bulan.

Cashout kapan?
Setiap bulan tanggal 30, Account Anda akan secara otomatis diperbarui/update, menghitung pendapatan bar Anda.
Anda dapat cashout kapan pun Anda inginkan, selama Anda telah mencapai minimal $ 5. Regular member mendapatkan pembayaran 7 hari kerja setelah cashout ditempatkan. Honor member mendapatkan pembayaran dalam waktu 24 jam, tidak peduli apakah itu akhir pekan atau liburan. buat gabung klik disini


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Imagine Cup Competitors Winners Announced, Thai Team Takes Top Honors


WARSAW, Poland – July 8, 2010 – Projects that help the hearing impaired, cut wasted electricity use, and use social media to promote volunteerism won the three major awards handed out at the 8th Annual Imagine Cup World Finals today.

Team Skeek from Thailand won in Software Design for its project to translate sign language, SmarterME from Taiwan won in Embedded Development with a device that targets a home’s biggest energy users, and By Implication from the Philippines won in Game Design for a game that uses to social media to help get young people interested in volunteering.

In a pre-recorded video message, the First Lady of the United States echoed that sentiment.
“The ideas you are generating and the ways you are turning those ideas into action and into real solutions for real problems is truly remarkable,” Michelle Obama said in the recorded video message. “Through your ingenuity, you are literally changing the world. You are giving birth to new ways of thinking, new ways of doing, and new ways of learning. And isn’t that what imagination is all about?”
All the teams awards at this year’s Imagine Cup represent the spirit of the annual week-long technology competition, said Jon Perera, general manager of Microsoft’s education strategy.
“On Sunday, the entire world's attention will be focused on world championship of football,” Perera said, referring to Sunday’s World Cup championship soccer match between Spain and the Netherlands. “Tonight, the entire world is focused on you and the World Cup of technology.”
Four-hundred students gathered in Warsaw’s Opera House to close out this year’s Imagine Cup finals. More than 325,000 high school, college, and university students in 113 countries and regions had registered for this year’s competition. Cash prizes totaling approximately $240,000 were awarded across five competition categories and six awards.
This year’s competition was dominated by Taiwan, which won three of 11 of competitions and awards. In addition to Embedded Development, teams from Taiwan won the Digital Media category and the Envisioning 2020 award.
Team Skeek was surprised it made it into the Software Design competition’s final round, so the team was thrilled when they found out they had taken first place in the competition’s preeminent category.
“Honestly, I am speechless,” said Pichai Sodsai, from Kasetsart University. “This is the moment of our lives. Like all of you guys, we don't wait for the future. We create the future, and we change the world."
The judges were impressed with how Skeek built software that uses speech and facial recognition technology and a text-to-sign language translator to translate sign language in real time, said S. Somasegar, senior vice president of Microsoft’s Developer Division. Somasegar presented the trophy and a check for $25,000 to the overwhelmed students.
“We have a dream that all students will be equal in the classroom,” Sodsai said. “That’s why we built eyeFeel.”
Team By Implication from the Philippines won the Game Design award for a video game about saving the world through social action and volunteerism. In Wildfire, players take on some of the biggest enemies there are – rampant poverty, gender inequality, and environmental degradation.
After collecting their trophies and a check for $25,000, team member Philip Cheang took the microphone from presenter Vincent Vergonjeanne to say thank you in Polish, which he had learned during the week. He also thanked his fellow Imagine Cup participants. “Keep on changing the world,” Cheang said.
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause when Perera announced that all 400 finalists and competitors at the Imagine Cup will get a free Windows Phone 7. They each will receive vouchers that guarantee they will get one when the phones become available, which will be before they are for sale commercially, he said.
"There are hundreds of corporate people in Redmond right now saying, 'What did he just do?'" Perera quipped.
Earlier in the evening, Walid Abu-Hadba, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Developer & Platform Evangelism (DPE) group, presented an award to IT Challenge competition winner Weiqiu Wen. Abu-Hadba called the competitors in the IT challenge “heroes.”
“This award is for heroes, the IT pros who keep this world running,” Abu-Hadba said. “They are the true heroes of our industry. They keep us going and keep the industry alive.”
Abu-Hadba added that the Imagine Cup is the most important Microsoft event he attends all year. “That's because I get to interact with the future,” he said. “You are the future of our industry. You are delivering the future today, and I’m proud of you all for being here.”
Team SmarterME took first place in the Embedded Development category for its Smarter Meter project, which provides detailed power consumption information to users. At a glance, homeowners can see what appliances consume power when and which ones are responsible for the bulk of their electricity bill.
At the end of the night, New York was announced as the site of next year’s Imagine Cup. Polish Deputy Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak passed off the Imagine Cup flag to Mark Hindsbo, the general manager of Microsoft's Developer Platform & Evangelism Group, and Hal Plotkin, the senior policy advisor in the U.S. Department of Education's Office of the Under Secretary.
As the ceremony wound down, Perera returned to the stage to congratulate every participant at the Imagine Cup 2010 Worldwide Finals.
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Membuat Iklan melayang

Niatnya si mau nyimpen trik-trik yang aku dapet di internet, tapi daripada disempen sendiri mendingan aq postingin dah....,,aq juga lupa sumbernya....hiiiii......hiiiii....maap ya....

  1. Login Ke dengan Akun anda masing-masing Pastinya
  2. Masuk ke Tab Tata Letak
  3. Pilih Elemen Halaman
  4. Tambah Gadget Pilih HTML / JAVASCRIPT
  5. Dan Copy kode di bawah ini kedalamnya yah

<a onblur="try {parent.
deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""><img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5433478876639914642" border="0" /></a>

<style type="text/css">
* html #gb{position:relative;}

border:2px solid #A5BD51;

<script type="text/javascript">
function showHideGB(){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var w = gb.offsetWidth;
gb.opened ? moveGB(0, 30-w) : moveGB(20-w, 0);
gb.opened = !gb.opened;
function moveGB(x0, xf){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 10 ? 5 : 1;
var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1;
var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString() + "px";
if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("moveGB("+x+", "+xf+")", 10);}

<div id="gb">

<div class="gbtab" onclick="showHideGB()"> </div>

<div class="gbcontent">

<div style="text-align:right">
<a href="javascript:showHideGB()">
.:[Close][Klik 2x]:.

Masukan Kode iklan atau Gambar yang anda inginkan di sini


<script type="text/javascript">
var gb = document.getElementById("gb"); = (30-gb.offsetWidth).toString() + "px";

6. save

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So Many Bugs, So Little Time Tools that find serious bugs automatically could lead to safer, more stable software


Several talks at the Black Hat security conference this week in Las Vegas will focus on tools that could make software safer by automatically searching for bugs--and pinpointing the ones that could be most dangerous.
Credit: Technology Review
Bug hunting used to be a painstaking process. Researchers found one at a time, figured out what caused it and what dangers it posed, and revealed it, to a software vendor or publicly, so that it could be fixed. But in recent years, popular software has improved, and bugs aren't so easy to find. On top of that, commercial programs are increasingly large and complex, making it time-consuming to manually search for potential bugs. However, new software tools are helping to automate the process, which may mean programs that work more reliably and are safer for users.
The development of a technique known as "fuzzing" has led to a shift in the way software bugs are discovered. Fuzzing involves repeatedly feeding randomly altered input into a program, causing the program to crash. Those inputs that caused it to crash could reveal an important bug.
Charlie Miller, a security researcher with Baltimore-based Independent Security Evaluators will discuss fuzzing at Black Hat, a conference that brings together researchers from government, academia, industry, and the hacking underground. Miller explains that only some of the crashes caused through fuzzing have major security implications. The work required to identify important crashes is compounded by a new, more intensive approach called "industrial fuzzing." Researchers are now turning to new tools to help quickly sort through these bugs.
Ben Nagy, a senior security researcher with the Singapore-based COSEINC, is one of the researchers credited with inventing industrial fuzzing. He is developing a tool that could help researchers figure out precisely where a program has gone wrong after a crash occurs. He's been working with colleagues to mine data on hundreds of thousands of crashes, in search of patterns that can be used to reliably predict the cause of a crash.
Miller will also present a possible solution for analyzing crashes--a platform known as BitBlaze, created by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, including Dawn Song. BitBlaze is a set of tools that can follow exactly what's happening within a program, making it easier to analyze the potential security flaws found through industrial fuzzing. Miller says BitBlaze can trace the path of a single byte of information, and track every instruction the program executes and find where it differed from normal function.

Miller used BitBlaze to analyze crashes involving both Adobe Reader and Open Office. Before using the software, he says he spent up to a week analyzing the cause of some software crashes. With BitBlaze, Miller says he can analyze some crashes almost instantly, while others take up to a day.
If industrial fuzzing turns out to work on all types of software, it could change the way companies test to make sure their code functions and is secure, says Vincenzo Iozzo, an engineer for Zynamics, a security company based in Bochum, Germany. Instead of hiring experts to review software by hand, software companies could automate the review process, Iozzo says. However, this simply shifts the problem to analyzing the bugs and figuring out how to fix them. "There is no way to be 100 percent sure that a bug is exploitable or not without human intervention," he says.

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Your Groups Tell Hackers Who You Are A malicious site can find out what social-networking groups you belong to--and then figure out your identity. By Robert Lemos


People often get categorized by social group--jock, geek, soccer mom. The same is true for our online identities: If you have an account on Facebook or LinkedIn, you might also belong to several groups on each site.
Credit: Technology Review
Now researchers at the Vienna Institute of Technology, Institut Eurecom and UC Santa Barbara have found a way that malicious websites could find out what groups you belong to, and use that information to identify you. Such websites could use the trick for identity theft or to craft personalized scams.
The researchers found that a malicious site could "capture" a person's social networking groups from his browser with a trick known as history stealing. By cross-referencing these groups, they could reveal someone's social-network profile--and therefore their real-life identity--42 percent of the time. This means that an otherwise anonymous Web user could be identified correctly by a malicious site simply because the user visited that site.
"The browser can ask if these guys are a member of the iPhone group or the PC security group or the XYZ group, and by calculating intersections, we can identify them in many cases," says Gilbert Wondracek, a postdoctoral candidate in computer science at the Vienna Institute of Technology, who led the work.
Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and others major social networks let anyone see who belongs to certain groups. Other attributes can group people together as well. For example, Facebook not only has groups but also lets users express whether they "like" certain links or content.
Most people join these groups without thinking of how it might affect their privacy, says Elena Zheleva, a PhD candidate at the University of Maryland who has researched privacy issues and social networks. "People don't think about it, but groups are one way that information is transferred about a person," she says.
This would hardly matter if not for a well-known attack that lets a website check whether certain links are in a visitor's browser history. This so-called history stealing involves checking to see if a user has visited a particular link. Using history stealing, an attacker can use a snippet of code on a website to ask a visitor's browser if they have visited certain links. The technique can check thousands of links per second. Wondracek and colleagues used history stealing to find which groups people belonged on the social network Xing by checking to see if their history contained a link to the group's page.
"It's a perfect use of the history hack," says Jeremiah Grossman, chief technology officer for Web security firm WhiteHat Security.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Asal Kata Bajingan

Friday, July 23, 2010

Badjingan adalah sebuah istilah yang muncul di tanah Jawa untuk menunjuk seorang pengendara gerobak sapi. Dalam salah satu novel triloginya Ahmad Tohari, Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, istilah ini akan sering kita temui. Lantas kenapa istilah badjingan kemudian bergeser menjadi sebuah kata makian, padahal kata itu adalah merujuk sebuah profesi seseorang.

Kata kakek ane sih mungkin gara-gara cerita berikut :
Dahulu kala pada tahun 1940an, didaerah  (Notog - Banyumas) sarana transportasi sangat sulit untuk ditemui. Masyarakat yang ingin berkegiatan di kota seperti berdagang, atau hanya mejeng biasanya menggunakan jasa gerobak sapi (baca :nebeng).

Pas itu, badjingan merupakan satu-satunya transportasi yang bisa diandalkan oleh masyarakat pinggiran untuk membawa mereka ke kota, selain berjalan kaki tentunya.

Namun, kedatangan badjingan ini tidak tentu, kadang bisa siang hari, pagi hari, bahkan tengah malam. Karena ketidakpastian waktu tersebut, masyarakat yang ingin nebeng, kalok nggak beruntung ya bisa berjam-jam nunggu itu badjingan.

Nah, muncullah sebuah kalimat umpatan yakni "Bajingan suwe temen sih tekane!" yang artinya : Bajingan lama banget sih datengnya. Dari situ badjingan mengalami pergeseran makna menjadi kata umpatan.

Dahulu pun, umpatan bajingan hanya digunakan sebagai analogi atas keterlambatan sesuatu atau seseorang, misalnya "Sekang ngendi bae koe, suwe temen sih kaya bajingan" yang artinya : Darimana aja kamu, lama bener kayak bajingan.

Namun, pada masa sekarang bajingan menjadi kata umpatan yang lebih umum dan tidak merujuk pada kekesalan mengenai keterlambatan atas sesuatu.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Membuat Link Exchange

Thursday, July 22, 2010

1. Anda harus desain dulu icon milik Anda. Terserah mau buat pake apa, pake photoshop, corel draw, firework atau image ready asal jangan pake semen ama gamping aja… :-). Ukurannya bebas, mau sehalaman penuh juga gak pa-pa, Cuma kalo sehalaman penuh ntar nggak ada yang mau tukeran link.. (formatnya suka-sukalah..GIF, JPG, BMP, PNG atau CPNS juga boleh—kalo ada :-))
2. Kalo udah jadi upload gambar favicon-mu di photobucket (kalo belon punya account ya tinggal daftar GRATIS!).
3. Setelah ter-upload, setiap gambar pasti ada direct link (copy aja direct link dari favicon yang kamu upload tadi—untuk gambar lihat DISINI)
4. Lalu copy paste kode dibawah ini:
<center> (kode ini untuk membuat link exchange di posisi tengah)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" ></a>

Ini untuk gambar logo Link Exchange.

<textarea cols="22" name="textarea"> <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a>  </a> </textarea> </center> </center>
Ini untuk kotak copy paste Link Exchange. Untuk yang berwarna merah ganti dengan NAMA BLOG ANDA, sedang untuk yang berwarna biru ganti dengan direct link Anda dari photobucket
Maka hasilnya pasti akan seperti ini:

Langkah-langkah membuat Link Scrolling:
1. Buat widget sidebar (pilih yang ada HTML-nya untuk blogspot) lalu copy paste kode dibawah ini:
<div style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153); overflow: auto; width: 180px; height: 450px; text-align: center;" >
link siapa saja yang ingin Anda masukkan

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sharp Siapkan Cakram Blu-Ray 100 GB

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Jakarta - Para penggemar home theatre atau bioskop rumahan bakal disuguhi pilihan baru. Rencananya, Sharp sebagai salah satu anggota Asosiasi Blu-Ray, akan menjadi perusahaan pertama yang meluncurkan cakram Blu-ray terbarunya, VR-100BR1, yang mampu menyimpan data hingga 100 GB.

Pilihan kapasitas yang begitu besar cukup menggiurkan mengingat cakram Blu-ray yang banyak beredar hanyalah berkapasitas maksimal 50 GB (dual layer). Seperti dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Rabu (21/7/2010), agar kapasitasnya 'melonjak', VR-100BR1 menggunakan standar triple layer.

Menurut Sharp, VR-100BR1 sengaja dibuat berdasarkan format spesifikasi BDXL baru yang telah diperkenalkan oleh Asosiasi Blu-ray pada April 2010. Format baru ini diaku bisa menyimpan data hingga 128 GB untuk disk yang sekali pakai (write-once) dan 100 GB untuk disk yang bisa ditulis ulang atau rewriteable.

Jumlah ruang penyimpanan yang lebih besar bisa ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan disk empat lapis atau naik dari dua lapisan cakram Blu-ray yang ada. Cakram Blu-ray sekali pakai rencananya akan mampu menyimpan sekitar 12 jam video dengan format siaran televisi digital atau 8,6 jam dengan format siaran satelit digital.

Cakram Blu-ray ini akan tersedia di Jepang pada akhir Juli 2010, dengan harga yang dibanderol US$ 60 (sekitar Rp 543.300) per keping. Sharp juga akan merilis dua perangkat yang mendukung format ini, Aquos BD-HDW700 dan BD-HDW70.

Febrina Ayu Scottiati - detikinet

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00webhost scam????

Hem pagi-pagi surfing di internet,niatnya si mau buka domain 00webhost qu, karena saat itu 00webhost kagak bisa dibuka jadinya aq nyoba buka dari google, toeng.......!!!kagak sengaja aq nemu artikel yang menyatakan,eh bukan menyatakan mungkin lebih tepat menghimbau  bagi mereka yang ingin memanfaatkan jasa webhosting, pikirkan dulu baik-baik. bisa mengeksploitasi data pribadi. Menurut artikel tersebut, program affiliasi 00webhost adalah scam, dan juga masih banyak lagi peringatan dari berbagai forum webhosting dari pakarnya. Yah sedikit kecewa si tapi,demi keamanan tetap waspada..........!!!!!

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Best E-Commerce Solution Is In Form Of Yahoo Store

Monday, July 19, 2010
Yahoo Store Most Fit to E-Commerce Category - Characteristics of E-Commerce and Place of Yahoo Store

It is true that technology makes life easy. Same the way advent of internet technology make commerce easy. The commercial activities on internet are termed as ecommerce. Good ecommerce has some its own characteristics. If we look at them one by one we will find yahoo Store most fit as an ecommerce solution of the day. Let us explore these ecommerce characteristics in light of Yahoo Store features.


Yes it is available every where and at anytime. If you design your Yahoo Store as your ecommerce solution it will be easily available. Your customer will log in their account and purchase anything whatever they like from your Yahoo store even when you are sleeping. This way you liberate your customer from being restricted up to some physical stores or branches or chain stores of your company.

Global Reach

With internet you can reach at any customer comes from any corner of the world and sale your product or services. You can deliver your product with plenty of available shipment options because transportation is in advance form now. Yahoo store offer multiple shipment options. Yahoo store also allow you to offer free shipment for limits of the amount or quantities of the purchase. This way you can lure your customers more.

Universal Standard

Good ecommerce is only possible when everyone follow same standards therefore, Yahoo Store is design such a way that you can found every aspects of an ecommerce site same everywhere. You will have home page with log in facilities, navigations of the site will be easy and within two or three click away from your target. Easy payment and so many…

Information Richness

You will find best informed users with Yahoo store. Every information regarding to your products or services are easily available. You will find category pages for your product. Every product will be well defined in their category. Every product will be well described on their product page. Your user will be properly guided at every step of transaction. Users will see their shopping cart at any stage of transaction.

Site Search

Site search is an essential part of ecommerce store. There are chances that you have large number of products and an array of product categories at that time finding a product through navigation will be a daunting task. Therefore, you have to have site search facility at hand so your visitor can find the product easily that they are looking for.

Easy Checkout

Checkout process is an important step of ecommerce transaction. Yahoo Store offers short, means one page checkout process without any complication and with minimal steps.


Payment is hard core of ecommerce. Many want to pay you through offline payment modes and many would like to do with reliable payment gateways. Yahoo make all possible. You can pay offline payments like, Cash on Delivery, cheques, D.D., etc. or you can pay with any payment gateway you prefer most. Easy integration of all payment gateways is possible with Yahoo.


Like payment method security of payment is another issue for successful ecommerce site. Yahoo offers secure payment. It takes every measure from encryption to proper validation of your payment. There will not be any data theft or misuse of data is possible anyway.


Success of ecommerce greatly depends on the traffic it receives. Yahoo assures greater visibility of its Yahoo Store. Your store will be automatically promoted since it belongs to Yahoo community.

Search Engine Optimized

Despite the surge in Social media still search engine is major player to bring traffic at your ecommerce sites. Good ecommerce need better search engine optimization methods. You need to optimize Meta tags like titles, description and keywords all applied in correct manner. Yahoo store facilitates you to do all optimization techniques. You can optimize title of all category pages, product pages and other remaining pages. You can add Meta description in all pages as well as in all products. You can optimize your product images with inserting proper keywords and alt tags. URL generation will be SEO friendly. Product descriptions, reviews etc. can be optimize at will.

Finally, looking into the depth we can easily assume that Yahoo Store has all ecommerce characteristics present and will prove a robust ecommerce solution for your dream project.

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Tips for Blogging the Way You Want

Blogging is been done by many websites for getting more traffic and profits. Website owners generally start a blog and have a notion that they would never get short of content. Sometimes they are even afraid to start a blog as they are not aware what to write in that section. You can find online data of facts and figures about blog creation. 

Before starting to write a blog you should have knowledge about what type of people would be your target readers. People come to your blog because of the topics you discuss on. The content sometimes becomes so famous in the niche market that readers come to your site just to read your blog. 

Blog niche is something which is preferred by your readers. It might be the reason for bringing the visitors to your blog. Readers presume that in your blog most of the articles would be about your niche. Taking care of interest of the readers is very important. 

In blogging it is essential to have regular flow of content in order to keep it going and fresh. Any internet network marketer would know the importance of content in World Wide Web. Search for the keywords to be used in content. Keywords can do wonders to a site and create stimulation in the minds of readers. Therefore give some time to keyword research so that you get ample of idea for content writing. Instead of sourcing content from outside for your blog, it is better to write it on your own. 

First visit Google’s search box and enter the base keyword. Here when you enter the targeted search term, search box would show a drop down menu with preferred list of keywords. You can select the most appropriate ones out of that list. Another way is by entering the initial results so that Google gives more matching results. 

In order to get good references for blog writing, you can visit your favorite article directory, type the search term in search box. You would then get entire list of articles that are according to your topic. Select the most appropriate ones for reference. 

Never copy exact words of reference article into yours, as it creates very bad impression and could even lead to copyright issues. Convert the article idea into your own words and style to present it in a newer and fresher way. Thus in order to maintain a blog you need to take care of few things to get it noticed by the people.

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