This is a short article to answer some of the questions that one may have when attempting to upload a high definition video in YouTube. Hope that it helps!
1. Sign up for an account.
2. At the top right hand corner, beside the search bar, there is an upload button. You can choose to upload videos from computer or record straight from webcam.
3. Let's go to upload from computer first. For this there are two types of videos, high def or normal quality. Normal quality is self explanatory.
4. For high def, I recommend using a 1280X720 (16:9 HD) or a 640X480 (4:3 SD). Of course, the higher the resolution, the sharper the picture will be, with the downside of long load times for high def movies.
5. As for frame rates, unless you are a pro, I do not recommend that you go and adjust it.
6. For codec, MPEG 4 will be good, since it is pretty main stream. If not, use H.264 codec
7. As for audio, the usual mp 3 format will work well. Just make sure that when you upload the video and audio, it will not be out of sync. Out of sync turns off the viewer, regardless of how great the content is.
8. Please do not add letterbox before it is uploaded when creating a 4:3 video from a 16:9 video. The YouTube player will add boxes to the side if you do add the letterboxes so your video will end up very small.
9. IMPT!!! Before you upload anything to YouTube, you will need to run some testing first, because you cannot re-upload the video again, under the same name.
That's it. Hope that you will have a great time uploading and sharing your videos in YouTube. Also, check out other sources of information on the internet for new updates!
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